Assembly line performace

Hello colleagues,

Can you please give me some advices how to simply track 50+ process nodes performance?

I’m simulating logistic material flows within our plant, so I dont have assembly lines which are physically producing some products, but only the first stations which are consuming raw materials.

So I have 50 process nodes with some transportIN / OUT + delay statements and what I would need is one graph showing total performace of assembly line.

Thank you.

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For anybody who is looking for solution.

Here is method I used:

  1. I’ve created performance signal in each station which is saving total quantity of consmed parts into routine variables.

  2. I’ve created one process node which is collecting all quantities.

  3. After simulation I can look at list and smallest number is performance of the line. Then by simple math get percentage and created report in excel for example. If my assembly line have 37sec cycle time = (simulation time in seconds /37s = 100% performace of assy line), then simply divide your smallest number from VS by 100% performace and you’ll get real performance in %.

So in my case:
86400/37 = 2335pcs
Smallest number: 864
Performance: 2335/864*100 = 37%

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