I’m beginner.(and sorry for my english)
I would simply learn a single end point (P2), and that the robot will automatically approach at 50mm.
P1 = P2-50mm.Z
P1 = P3
But I want to go to:
- P1 in PtP motion
- P2 in Linear motion
- P3 in Linear motion
In my example I have to create 3 points?
Is there a function? What is the right method?
Thank a lot
approach.vcmx (105.6 KB)
Hey Sylvain,
This post is quite old and I’m reading it just now…
Not sure to understand your question but if you want to “automate” it you have to write the function in KRL or the manufacturer langage…
Not sure the Visual Component interpreter would allow you to this.
If you want to use your function in a robot, you should develop it into the real robot controller.
Otherwise you probably could use the python visual component’s API, did you took a look ?
Trust this help.