AGV development with Python

I am studying VC add on in python.
There are two questions in AGV development:

  1. How to create product and flow groups in Python.
  2. Flow method to connect process #1 and process #2 to AGV in Python.

I want to develop the above two methods in Python. Please give me a hint.
Below is a reference capture.

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The entry point for PM configuration APIs is vcProcessController, which you can get from vcSimulation.

You will need to use vcProcessFlowGroupManager to create the flow group, then vcProductTypeManager to create the Product Type(s), vcProcessFlowTable2 to create the flow sequence (create flow steps and add process groups into them), and finally
to create the transport links, which you can configure to use the AGV transport controller.

Some of these pages have examples.


It was a great help in development. I appreciate it very much. :smile:

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