4.9 Problem exporting 3D-pdf with sub layouts


My students must return their lecture assignments by exporting 3D-pdf from simulation. After 4.9. sub layouts became the new feature to group components under 1 layout.

After exporting 3D-pdf from simulation which have these layouts the result is that origin of these layouts are set same and we end up really nice lump of machines :smile:


After removing these sub layouts everything works just fine


Are you facing the same issue?


It is a known limitation which I hear will be fixed in next release. Maybe just use the vcax animation export instead and use VC Experience to view them?

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Thanks for quick reply. I think the easiest way is to ask students to save a new copy of their work → remove layouts → Export pdf.

Good to know that this issue is being addressed.

Why not use VC Experience, though? I think the 3D PDF is an outdated technology and its support may get dropped sooner or later. Adobe Reader has also had many issues with it, like for a long time not supporting it at all in the 64-bit version.

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Well that was a really good question :smiley: Reason is simple, I haven’t even thought about it. I have used experience for VR but somehow this haven’t occurred to my mind.

Another good thing is that 1min of VCAX is actually smaller compared to 3D-PDF. Thanks for this :+1:

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