translateAbs: assignment of posmat after change with offset X: -175; Y: 500; Z: 0 => result look: x moved by 0 (expected -175), y moved by +500 (expected +500), z moved by -350 (expected 0) => result measured: x: 0.3 (expected -175), y: +500.9 (expected +500), z: -349.7 (expected 0) => result matrix: x: -174.6 mm (expected -175), y: +500mm (expected +500), z: 0 (expected 0) => expected: x correct, y correct, z correct creating frames for circuit board RefFrame_PlatineVorn Drawer1 ... Drawer2 ... Frame_PlatineVorn_D2_2 targetfeature is: Root in Node: Drawer2 before 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 14.6 -356 -337 1 offset X: -175; Y: 500; Z: 0 after 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 -160 144 -337 1 created feature 'Frame_PlatineVorn_D2_2' in feature 'Root'