Time matched

Who can answer the question of the relationship between real time X1 and virtual time?Because of the computer lag, I changed the real time to virtual time, so I could not match the time.

In virtual time mode the simulation is run with a constant time step. How long it takes to execute each step varies and depends heavily on your simulation layout and computer.

So there is no simple scaling factor between real time and virtual time.

The real time mode constantly adjusts the simulation step sizes such that it tries to maintain the given speed with actual wall clock time. If the simulation is slow to execute it will try to take longer steps to compensate, but of course longer steps take longer to execute as well. As a result your rendering frame rate drops and if that still isn’t enough to run the simulation forward fast enough then the simulation time will start to accumulate delay from the desired time.


Just to double check, for example cycle time should be same in the simulation no matter which mode (virtual or real time mode) simulation is run? It’s been a while since I have used VC and I remember having difficulties when explaining different simulation time run modes to a coworker.

Yes, the simulations should yield same results regardless of the speed or time mode they are run with.

However, if there are implementation mistakes made in e.g. the Python scripts of components, it is possible that the results will differ based on the simulation step size i.e. simulation speed.

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