The product does not advance

I don’t understand why the product stops after it leaves the Stacker Crane. I guess the From Conveyor Process is in a loop but I don’t know how to get out of it.

salida del producto

SP.vcmx (197.1 KB)

Check your process routines.

TransportOut statements in FromConveyor should have “To Next Process” as destination.
And for your TransportOut statements in To Conveyor you can use “To Component Container” as destination


When sending products to a transport node, you need to configure the Transport In statement in the receiving end.

Transport Out, Destination: To Next Process - Transport In, Source: From Previous Process
Transport Out, Destination: To Component Container - Transport In, Source: From Component Container
Transport Out, Destination: To Transport Node - Transport In, Source: From Component Container

To fix your layout, set the Transport In Source to From Component Container in your ToConveyor processes.

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