Show component properties

I have created a script to hide a component at start of a simulation.

def hideMyComp(simulation, isRunning):
if isRunning:
comp.Visible = False
comp.Visible = True

app = getApplication()
comp = getComponent()
sim = app.Simulation
sim.OnStartStop = hideMyComp

I also want to select the component to show the “Component Properties” window so it’s visible to view and change the properties. Can anyone help with the python to select the component that contains the script please?

Try it with

from vcCommand import *

app = getApplication()
sm = app.SelectionManager

comp = app.findComponent("Name_of_your_Comp")

please post if it worked for you :smiley:

It is explained in 4th here:

Thanks JW, it worked with:

from vcScript import *

def hideMyComp(simulation, isRunning):
if isRunning:
comp.Visible = False
comp.Visible = True

app = getApplication()
comp = getComponent()
sim = app.Simulation
sim.OnStartStop = hideMyComp
sm = app.SelectionManager


I assume if my script is in another component then I would need to use:

comp = app.findComponent(“Name_of_your_Comp”)