
To know how to use the Connectivity add-on, go to Help File > Tasks > Connectivity.

Tip: The tasks in Connectivity section are ordered for a reason. So first enable the add-on, and then access and learn more about its view in the workspace. And then try to connect your PLC or server, and then map/pair your variables.

I have a problem about PLC Connectivity of visual components.

My company have a series of PLC products which support Modbus TCP,but don’t support opc TCP .

How can I connect PLC with visual components by Modbus TCP?

If I should Installing a plug-in unit about Modbus TCP to software visual components ?


VC doesn’t have direct support for Modbus protocols.
You have several options with varying amounts of effort.

  • Easiest option is to use a gateway that acts as a OPC UA server. Both hardware or software solutions exist. Then just use the OPC UA connectivity in VC.
  • Second easiest option would be to make a simple custom implementation using Python scripting inside VC and a Python Modbus TCP library such as this
  • The most difficult but reusable option would be to implement your own Modbus TCP connection plugin using C# and some existing Modbus TCP library. You can ask VC support for info on how to create a custom connection plugin.

hello~ Tsy
Thanks for your advices. but i don’t understand python. i will try my best.
I got a reply from supporters of visual components team.
VC have direct supporter for Modbus protocols.
But i still wait for suopporter’s reply about specific operation guide.

hi,,do you have modbus add-on?i also need it for my work.