Automate create Drawings


finally official support has also no solution for this topic (yet)… :pray:


Sad that support couldn’t help. It is time to bring out nasty reflection hacks then.

edit: Found a way to do the DWG / DXF export without using reflection afterall :slight_smile:

For the DWG / DXF export you must set your plugin project to target .NET 4.8 and then add a reference to RealDWG\RealDWG.dll.

public void ExportDrawing()
    var context = IoC.Get<IApplicationContext>();

    string myDocumentsFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments);

    string pdfOutputPath = Path.Combine(myDocumentsFolder, "Drawing.pdf");

    string dxfOutputPath = Path.Combine(myDocumentsFolder, "Drawing.dxf");
    ExportDrawingInRealDwgFormat(dxfOutputPath, DWGInternalVersion.DXF);

private void ExportDrawingAsPDF(string outputPath)
    List<Visual> visualElement = new List<Visual>();
    ImageSourceExporter exporter = new ImageSourceExporter
        OnlySelection = false

    // Rendered image size in pixels. Note that this produces a PDF with a bitmap inside, not a vector drawing.
    // Need to figure out applicable resolution and aspect ratio for your paper size. Here are some values for portrait A4.
    int width = 793;
    int height = 1116;
    PaperSize paperSize = new PaperSize("A4", 0, 0);
    bool rotate = false;

    int margins = 5;
    var visualHosts = exporter.ExportManyVisuals(true, width - margins, height - margins);
    foreach (var v in visualHosts)
        var border = new Border
            HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center,
            VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center,
            Child = v

        visuals: visualElement,
        pdfPath: outputPath,
        width: width,
        height: height,
        margin: 0,
        rotate: rotate,
        paperKind: paperSize

private void ExportDrawingInRealDwgFormat(string outputPath, DWGInternalVersion format, bool onlySelectedComponents = false)
    var writer = new RealDWG.RealDWGWriter();
    if (format == DWGInternalVersion.DXF)


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For custom views you need to first move the application camera and then call the CreateView method.

Something like this:

// Move the main camera to desired drawing view.
var context = IoC.Get<IApplicationContext>();
context.SetContext(Contexts.Configure); // Maybe needed to avoid modifying the drawing context camera.
ICamera camera = _application.ActiveWindow.Camera;
camera.PanValue = 45;
camera.TiltValue = -45;

// Create a custom drawing using the current camera view.
var custom = (IDrawingView)app.DrawingWorld.LayoutItems.Last();
custom.Scale = "1:3";

// TODO: Position the drawing view in the drawing world to fit template sheet along with other views.

Hy @TSy ,

it seems you had a short night? :wink:

Could it be that the reference to RealDWG.dll and change the projects framework to 4.8 is not enough?

Edit: I also add references to acdbmg.dll and asdbmgbrep.dll but that changes nothing…


Hy @TSy,

that was the key for bring the isometric view to live!

Thx & Regards


my last result for now (VC 4.7) is, that I’m praying every evening for an clean public API for save the current drawing in a format of choice… :pray:


Interesting discussion here and I am definitely supporting the automation of drawings.
Since the release of VC 4.0 I have been talking with the Sales guys in the US and send a request to VC Europe about improving the 2d aspect of Visual Components.
Both companies I worked for are designing lay-outs which shows over 100 + components and after creating a view, it is a very monotone 1 color block that is not really useful.

My question to any of you is (and I requested this a few times at VC):
Does anybody know if it possible to assign a color to a component so that after 2d convertion, that component is that color? We would like to highligh our additional components on our machines with a seperate color.
I know there is an add-on which allows you to change color AFTER converting to 2d but since every lay-out has 100+ components, this is time consuming and I would rather have a color preset so I won;t have to do that everytime.



If it is possible to identify which sim world component produced each drawing element (probably yes), it should be fairly easy to make a .NET add-on which reads some custom property from the sim world component and changes the color of the drawing elements accordingly.

Same add-on could also have e.g. a button which adds those properties to selected components.


now VC4.8 is released and I found a new Method:

But how to cast ILayoutItem to Visual?

Thx & Regards

That’s not a new method.
There is ImageSourceExporter class in Create3D.Shared.

Hy @TSy ,

may you know if VC4.8 is able to export something useful from drawingTab in a beautiful way?

Thx & Regards

I can’t be 100% sure but I think there hasn’t been any change in this regard between 4.7 and 4.8.
