Integrated editor with Autocomplete


  1. All PythonScript editors integrated into 1 window
  2. Change PythonScript editor's background
  3. Autocomplete function
At first I thought these cannot be done.

After doing some research and work, it’s quite possible to do so. :lol:

Here is the prototype demo video.

Pretty nice. Would you share how you did it?

In any case, the future python editor will contain all items in your wishlist: theming, autocomplete and “intellisense”, snippets and others.

So glad future python editor will contain these! :smiley:

I use AvalonEditor component to do this.

Hi Chungmin, cool stuff :).

As ccamilo said, we are looking into the possibilities to implement some more helpful features.

Meanwhile, did your solution contain any save/compile option? I did not find any so I added one when I was playing around. If you would want to extend your app. You should of course check if simulation is running and such before over writing the script.

private void SaveProgress(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

private void doSave()
ListBoxItem lbi = (ListBoxItem)Comps.SelectedItem;
string info = lbi.Content as string;
ListBoxItem item = listComps.Where(i => i.Content.ToString() == info).FirstOrDefault();
if (item != null)
ExtListBoxItem extItem = (ExtListBoxItem)item;
IPythonScript script = (IPythonScript)extItem.Script;
script.Script = AEEditor.Text;

Ah-ha, you’ve got me. It’s prototype.

There are a lot of work need to do. Glad you will implement these good stuff.

I guess we can sit tight and wait. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, there is :slight_smile:

Yes, let’s sit back and enjoy the ride, and see what comes out in the end ^^