from vcScript import * import vcVector as v import math def OnRun(): #define vehicle speed, etc. #clear path of vehicle, including at start of simulation comp = getComponent() vehicle = comp.findBehaviour("VehicleController") vehicle.MaxSpeed = 1000.0 vehicle.Acceleration = 300.0 vehicle.Deceleration = 300.0 vehicle.clearMove() #get robot attached to vehicle, must be child component #disable executor from automatically running its program robot = None for c in comp.ChildComponents: if c.findBehavioursByType("rRobotExecutor") != []: robot = c break rx = robot.findBehaviour("Executor") rx.IsEnabled = False #each path point is a vector pointA =,0,0) pointB =,5000,0) angle = pointA.angle(pointB-pointA) angle = angle*180.0/math.pi #first call to go to point A and executor Main routine #event listeners of vcSimVehicle still seem like they don't work/implemented #so assume vehicle is where it needs to be then stop it #callRoutine delays Python execution until routine is finished by default vehicle.addControlPoint(pointA) delay(vehicle.TotalTime) vehicle.clearMove() rx.callRoutine(rx.Program.MainRoutine) #rotate to face new target vehicle.clearMove() vehicle.rotateInPlace(angle,100,100,100) delay(vehicle.TotalTime) vehicle.clearMove() #next call vehicle.addControlPoint(pointB) delay(vehicle.TotalTime) vehicle.clearMove() rx.callRoutine(rx.Program.Routines[0])