Motions with approximate positioning

In order to increase velocity, points for which exact positioning is not necessary can be approximated with a couple of real robot controllers. The robot takes a shortcut as illustrated in the attached picture. In addition the robot won’t completely brake to velocity 0.0.

I implemented an additional statement in version 2014 that supports approximate positioning for LIN and PTP movements with some limitations. This vcRSLProcessStatement uses the vcMotionTarget-properties ‘AccuracyMethod’ and ‘AccuracyValue’. Why are you not offering those properties in the default Joint and Linear Motion Statement?

The user would be able to teach the robot in a more realistic way and could reach more realistic cycle times without using a virtual robot controller. Although the postprocessing would be easier by using the default statements.


There is now AccuracyMethod and AccuracyValue for robot statements in VC 4.0 . See attached video.

AccuracyValue.mp4 (1.09 MB)

For PTP it looks okay. But if you are using LIN statements it looks like this:



For PTP it looks okay. But if you are using LIN statements it looks like this:
would be great if AccuracyValue would work as expected!?
  • It's not possible to give a AccuracyValue of -10 (not PTP neither LIN)!?
  • Strange behaviour with LIN-Statements!?
Thx & Regards
